
We provide Guidance to end-user corporations, institutions and vendors via our specialised subscriptions which are made up of our reports and advisories. As a technology industry analyst firm, we have extensive experience advising corporations on how to best apply technology in their businesses and processes. We have guided both large and small corporations and public departments through generation changes to provide vendor shortlists, solution comparisons, product evaluations, solution roadmaps, guidance papers, peer studies, outsourcing guidance, etc. 

We have developed a number of reports, briefs and advisories as a medium to deliver strategy, advice and actions. We generate these studies based on discussions, research and interviews conducted to produce insights, perceptions and the achievement of goals. Some of our implementation reports are also based around our “ADDAM” philosophy – Assess, Develop, Design, Assemble and Manage.

i-TAP  (Insurance Transformational Advisory Programme)

With the coming of age of ‘Digital Transformation’ and the numerous ‘Transformational Technologies’ we decided to introduce an advance subscription bringing a full range of guidance that we believe our clients need on their finger-tips as they undertake their ‘Digital & Transformational Journey’. 

Senior executives of our clients will be armed with strategy, insightful analysis, ROIs, solution recommendations and roadmaps to effectively and efficiently use their time. We have designed and developed this subscription to aid current and actionable management discussions. Our insights go far beyond news and data subscriptions currently available in the marketplace

Insurance Transformation Advisory Programme offers strategic insights, management advisories, directions and impacts of transforming technologies and guidance to support various aspects of your development journey. We are focused on the specific needs of our corporate end-user clients in the insurance industry and believe in providing factual actionable information, unbiased advice and excellent service. 



i-CAPs (Insurance Corporate Advisory Programmes)

Our ‘Corporate Advisory Programmes (CAP)’ are subscription-based services designed specially to provide more depth and coverage for the unique ‘end-user persona’ in our particular areas of expertise.  The impact of technology is enterprise-wide, across many core business functions and processes. Our clients want to ensure that technology provides ‘return on investments’  and our understanding of the technology direction enables us to deliver guidance to clients, to ensure integration, best practices, extracting the most value, etc. We also recognise the importance of technology as a basis to manage customer experience by utilising emerging Digital Technologies.

Our CAP programmes provide corporate end-user clients with regular guidance notes, executive reports, strategic direction reports and solution/technology impact reports. Our advisories also provide the end-user community with strategic advice in technology investment decisions and highlight to clients when to invest, how best to invest and what path to follow long-term.


i-S&S  (Insurance Suppliers & Solutions Programme)

‘Cometh the Digital Age, Cometh the wide variety of Suppliers & Solutions to the Insurance Industry’. Ranging from pure core solution providers to new insur-tech suppliers. From fully integrated solutions to newly 2-3 process integrated solutions to fully API based solutions. Digital Transformation is introducing numerous approaches to core Insurance Processes via a wide area of  transformational technologies. Who will you use?, What solution will be right for you? 

Our i-S&S subscription provides clients with all our S&S reports on the leading vendors, SI’s in the Insurance Industry. Stay up to date with all the solutions you require.


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