IBM Insurance Platform


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The big issues that are keeping the insurers awake at night are high customer churn and how to retain them, changing models – business, operations and distribution. Today, the innovations in the offerings are customer driven, evidence-based using predictive data technologies. Every major organization is thinking, evaluating and hopefully taking a transformative approach to many of their issues. The vendors are out in full force with all sorts of solutions including platforms for IoT, Customer Experience, Business and Verticals; we are going to look at one such offering from IBM – ‘The IBM Insurance Platform’.

TP: 02 PN: 1453 VN: 02 YS: 18

Content Type: Suppliers & Solutions Report ; Programme Type: Corporate Advisory Programme

No of Pages: 13

Applicable Verticals: Insurance

Applicable Regions: Global

Applicable Subjects: Digital Transformation, Digital Platform, Ecosystems/Digital Ecosystems/ DEM, Analytics/Smart analytics/Cognitive

Programmes Covered: Global Digital Eco-System Management & Platform Solutions Corporate Advisory Programmes, Suppliers & Solutions Report Series

Table of Contents:

  • IBM Insurance Platform
  • Why new approaches are needed?
  • The way forward
  • Reference Architecture for Digital Transformation
  • The IBM Solution
  • Case study: Initial Platform with MetLife and Majesco
  • Key Benefits for Metlife
  • Insurance Directions ViewPoint


List of Figures:

  • Figure 1: Key elements of the ‘digital transformation’ journey
  • Figure 2: Three Strategic Areas
  • Figure 3: IBM Insurance Platform
  • Figure 4: IBM Platform Architecture
  • Figure 5: Journey of Insurers towards being Service Orchestrators


List of Tables:

  • Table 1: Examples of Group Benefit Products
  • Table 2: Key features of IBM Insurance Platform
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